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Clasificación 823
Autor(es) Phinn, Gervase
Título(s) Bad Becky in trouble/ Gervase Phinn ; ilustrated by Lindsey Gardiner.
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Puffin books,
London, England

Resumen Bad Becky is cheeky (but charming), opinionated and always in some kind of trouble. But you can't help loving her! I mean wouldn't you rather hear a story about a princess who gets gobbled up by the dragon rather than another soppy one where the prince saves the princess? And if a magician at a party was rubbish wouldn't you point it out? And who wants their horrible Great Aunt Mildred visiting? So really, Becky is just doing everyone a favour... A wickedly funny new series for readers gaining confidence. Bad Becky's got attitude!
Descripción 88 p. : il.


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