Lincoln International Academy
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Clasificación 823
Autor(es) Whytock, Cherry
Título(s) Fabberoony Fizzy Pink / Cherry Whytock.
Lugar de Edición
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Puffin Books,
London :

Resumen Fizzy Pink's new school has been a lot better since she made friends with Daisy (formerly known as Stringy Plaits!) but things don't look so glamouroony now her mean form teacher Mrs SCary is back - despite wishful thinking, she didn't explode! Mrs SCary introduces a new thing into class called Sharing Time where everyone tells the class about something interesting that happened to them. But to cover up the fact that she liberated the class guinea-pig, when Fizzy steps up a Big Fat Fib just slips out and she tells everyone she is going to be THE Star of a show her aunty is putting on (as oppose to A Star?of the twinkly kind? well, not much difference really). Everyone in her class including Cammy and her equally grottybag friends decide to come to the show so Fizzy has to come up with a glittering performance to get out of this one!
Descripción 135 p. : ill.


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