Lincoln International Academy
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Clasificación 823
Autor(es) Dickens, Charles
Título(s) Bleak house / Charles Dickens
Lugar de Edición
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1st ed.
Bantam Books
New York

Resumen Bleak house may well be the finest literary work to come out of nineteenth.century England. In no othyer Victorian novel is the narrative more artful, the cast of characters more engaging, the satire more titing, the range of life more wonderfully vast. A miracle of authorial creation, the book is constructed around three great themes: the High Court of Chancery, whose endless litigation of Jarndyce and Jarndyce symnbloizes the murky institutional fog surroundig all England; the theme of misplaced children, setting whimsical, arefree Harold Skimpole inb poignant contrast withe sad, young, nameless Jo; and the mystery theme, a romantic tangle of trails followed by the three unforgettable sleuths, Guppy,...
Descripción 820 p.


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