Lincoln International Academy
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Clasificación 006.7
Autor(es) Pearson
Título(s) Interactive science one
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición

Pearson Education
New Jersey

Notas v.1 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 1 v.2 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 2 v.3 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 3 v.4 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 4 v.5 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 5 v.6 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 6 v.7 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 7 v.8 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 8 v.9 : teacher's edition and resource chapter 9 v.10 : teacher's program guide and unit resources v.11 : from theory to practice accelerating the progress of english language learners grade K-2
Descripción 11 v.


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