Lincoln International Academy
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Clasificación 808
Autor(es) Kelly, Jamie
Título(s) Dear dumb, diary : can adults become human? / Jamie Kelly.
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New York

Resumen Dear Dumb Diary, My social studies teacher, Mr. VanDoy, never smiles. I know that's hard to believe, because everybody smiles about something, right? Isabella smiles when her borthers get in trouble. Angeline smiles when she thinks abouthow much prettier she is than, like, a waterfall or a unicorn. I smile when I think about a unicorn kicking Angeline over a waterfall. But Mr. VanDoy Doesn't smile at all. I wonder if when you become and adult, you can lose your sense of humor the way you lose your teeth or hair of fashion sense.
Descripción 117 p. : ill.


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