Lincoln International Academy
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Clasificación RED
Autor(es) Allender, David
Título(s) Shake my sillies out : you are entering Mariposa Forest beware of silly animals / illustrated by David Allender.
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Crown Publishers
New York

Resumen These are two of the essential ways parents can stimulate the development of a child's brain during the earliest years. The rhythm, rhyme, and repetition of singing support and encourage speech and listening skills, and lay the foundations for later reading. Raffi songs to read are recongnized as natural bridges between singin and reading. Your child will love to follow both the song and the delightful illustrations as you sing and look and read together. Whether you have a baby, a toddler, or a preschooler, sharing Raffi songs to read will provide you both with many cherished moments.
Descripción [30] p. : ill. col.


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