Lincoln International Academy
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


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Clasificación 813
Autor(es) Marsden, Carolyn
Título(s) The's buddha's diamonds / Carolyn Marsden.
Lugar de Edición
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Carolyn Marsden and the Unified Buddhist Church.

Resumen very day, Tinh heads out to sea with his father to catch fish for their family and the market. Their new bamboo boat shines like gold against the turquoise waters, and Tinh feels proud working alongside Ba. When a storm strikes, Tinh earns the task of securing the family vessel, but he panics and runs away. It will take courage and faith to salvage the precious bamboo boat, win back Ba's confidence, and return once more to the sea.
Descripción 97 p. : ill. col.


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