Lincoln International Academy
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


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Clasificación 808
Autor(es) O'Dell, Kathleen
Título(s) Agnes Parker... Girl in progress / Kathleen O'Dell.
Lugar de Edición
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New York

Notas 4th
Resumen Eleven-year-old Agnes Parker has always been your everyday ordinary girl. But not this year. This year agenes is determined to become a whole new person. Well, maybe not a whole new Person, exactly, but just a better version oof the girl she's always been. Someone who's not such an easy target for bully-girls like Peggy Neidermeyer. Someone who is as cool and confident as her best friend, Prejeam. But in a year filled with new glasses, a brokem arm, and a cute new boy in shool, can the new Agnes Parker make the grade?
Descripción 156 p.


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