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Clasificación 800
Autor(es) McKissack, Patricia C.
Título(s) A picture of freedom : the diary of Clotee, a slave girl / Patricia C. McKissack.
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New York

Resumen Freedom is one of the first words I teached myself to write. Down in the Quarters people pray for freedom - they sing' bout freddom, but to keep mas' Henley from knowin' their true feelings, they call freedom "heaven". Everybody's mind is on freedom. But is is a word that aine never showed me no picture. While fannin' this afternoon, my eyes fell on "freedom" in a book William was readin'. No wonder I don't see nothin'. I been spellin' it F-R-E-D-U-M. I put the letters right in my head to make sure I remembered their place, F-R-E-E-D-O-M. I just now wrote it. Still no picture...
Descripción 202 p.


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