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Clasificación 813
Autor(es) Auel, Jean M.
Título(s) The Plains of Passege
Lugar de Edición
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Bantam Books
New York

Resumen Jean M. Auel returns us to the earliest days of humankind and to the captivating adventures of the courageous woman called Ayla. With her companion, Jondalar, Ayla sets out on her most dangerus and daring journey away from the welcoming hearths of the Mammoth Hunter and into the unknown. Theri odyssey spans a beautiful but sparsely populated and treacherous continent, the windswept grasslands of Ice Age Europe, casting the pair among strangers. Some will be intrigued by Ayla and Jondalar, with their many innovative skills, including the taming of wild horses and a wolf; other will avoid them threaten them. But Ayla, with no memory of her impelled by their own deep drives to continue their trek across the spectacular heart of an unmapped world to find that place they can both call home.
Descripción 868 p.


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