Lincoln International Academy
Búsquedas / Materias / Novedades


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Clasificación 813
Autor(es) Slime, R. U.
Título(s) Gooflumps : Stay Out Of The Bathroom
Lugar de Edición
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Random House

Resumen Save your breath, everybody! Joe won´t put down the seat. Not now. Not ever. But the bully of the bowl has met his match. It´s playback time and the toilet is pluging into action! First it refuses to flush. Then a grotty stomach virus brings Joe head to head with the enemy, and the seat comes slamming down. Beheaded in the bathroom? Not if Joe can help it! Wath that wily whirlpool, big Joe, or you´ll be secked down into the scummy depths...
Descripción 129 p.


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