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Clasificación 428.64
Autor(es) Irving, Nicole
Título(s) Hachiko ; Japan´s Most Faithful Dog / Nicole Irving
Lugar de Edición
Fecha de edición

Oxford Bookworms


Resumen The story of Hachiko, Japan´s most famous dog, begings in the early 1920s, when he comes to live in Tokio with professor Ueno. Hachiko goes with him to the station- and when the professor comes home in the evening, his faithful dog is always waiting. Hachiko soon has many friends in the streets of Tokio- people like Nobu, the young son of a food seller. Life is good of Hachiko- until one day, everything changes... Here, Nobu tells the true story of Japan´s Most Faithful Dog.
Descripción 58 p.: il


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